Originally Posted by TheDarkStranger2009
okay thats what i thought. sounds good.
i flashed it since 8pm today. so its been almost 8 hrs ive had it.
1. email button doesnt work by default, its not set to anything, i set it to 'email'. works now
2. i think there is some roaming funky thing going on? its searching for signal a lot and its low in bunch of places. i think before it used to be low and high in most places. now it went from low (to searching) and from high (to medium) as a result of installing this rom.
i remember reading in some other threads or forums that theres some kind of bug where the phone will keep roaming or disconnecting from servers. are you sure thats not an issue in this rom?
i will give it a few more days maybe just the satellites were moving around near me who knows
i take back #2. i don thave a data plan. and i think what was happening. i would see it trying to connect to sprint vision and failing.
i had to remove that crap off the phone and now i think the phones just as good as before.
good job on the rom!