Originally Posted by Maan76
In both ROMs I looked for the common tweaks that you have talked about .........and I did not find any registery tweak you re talking about
reason you didnt find the tweaks i was talking about is because i actually didnt referenced any specific tweaks, i was speaking in a general way about tweaking phones. did your apply all 45 of you tweaks/reg edits when you tested the cooked roms by chance?
Originally Posted by Maan76
these cooked ROMs are nice looking , fast runing , but not fully tweaked yet sir.
like i said never referenced anything specific. the point i was trying to make wa that in stricly in terms of SPEED, doing a side by side comparison, the 6.5 roms are faster even as unpolished as they currently are.
im not knocking your comparison method at all but think about it like this, you see a runner run a 100 yard dash, then you see another runner do the same thing right after him. with no timing equipment you say based on what you think that the 1st guy was faster. without any point of reference how would you really know for sure? i on the other hand saw both runners run at the same time so i can clearly see who is faster. hopefully that analogy makes sense.
Originally Posted by Maan76
I respect your opinion ...and you have reasons to have this conclusions .
thank you for the mature discussion.
no problem my friend, seems 6.1 still has a pretty good following so hopefully the chefs can make u guy happy too!