thanks for the info. I will not have manila 2.5.1920 working in tonights kitchen, sorry. it is going to take way too long to iron out what is wrong with akeo's ext packages. I promised my wife little to no phone stuff tonight so... tomorrow maybe, unless I determine which package is causing PRB to crash within the next 20 minutes... which usually takes hours. I really hope it is only one package...
the process goes like this:
add all exts I think i will need, cook. crash
remove half of those files and put them in a separate folder to not get cooked, cook again, crash.
remove half of the ones that are remaining to another folder not to get cooked, cook, success. add some more of the ones I removed, cook, success. add back half of the half that I removed, cook, crash.
it is a process of elimination until I get down to removing just 1 package and and then it works, then I start over with the rest, keeping track of the "good" packages and the broken ones. when I isolate all the broken ones, I just find newer versions or different versions and hope they dont make it crash again.
not very scientific, but PRB gives NO form of log whatsoever..
edit: just had an idea, I could make a "kitchen debug" script that automatically cooks and detects the errorlevel, if there are no errors it just adds one more from my designated "figure out which one of these packages sucks" folder, hmmm.. could work maybe
edit 2: stuck at work... but did nail down what the bad packages were:
htcMessage and Power
fixed power and htcmessage by moving the files from 0409 (for locales - some exts support multiple languages and they would have 0509, 01CA (chinese) etc) into the main files directory and turning any mui and exes into modules---
we may have a good working 2.5.1920 tonight after all!