Originally Posted by mbartels
... is it possible to add "silent vibe half second"? I think quite a few of us prefer our phones to vibrate instead of making a sound. With the silent vibe half second we can use vibrate without the phone vibrate the full four seconds which is excessive.
mbartels, When you select both vibrate and a ring tone the vibration lasts as long as the ring tone. So... I created a one-second ringtone of silence and a half-second ringtone of silence. I use the half second vibe for new emails and text messages, and the full second vibe for voicemails. Here are the files (which I now bake into my PersonalOEM by placing these files in the 6700's \Windows\ folder).
Tiermann, is there a way to select these additional ringtones in the OEMizer? I put them in the Additional Sounds folder, but they're not listed as options (so I assume you prebuilt the list that shows up?). Can that list be dynamically generated at runtime based on the files available in the Additional Sounds and/or Additional Ringtones folder(s)? Is it also possible to expand on the new 1.2.7 functionality of pre-setting individual sounds to support setting the vibration flag and the ring/ring&vibe/ringthenvibe/etc. dropdown values as well as the specific ringtones? That would be great. This is an awesoome tool. Great work!