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Old 11-04-2009, 04:04 PM
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Re: |CR|6.5.1|ROM|WWE| ★ EnergyROM "Leo" (23081/21864) ★ |Oct 25| ★ Latest Manila 2.5

This is going to sound like a really dumb question but an MMS message is a text message that includes a picture or a video clip that you either take or record and then send it to someone am I correct? And an SMS is just a regular text msg?

I'm just kinda suprised why SO many people bring up the complaint about MMS not working.... Nothing against them or anything like that whatsoever, but I didn't realize it was so popular. lol I have unlimited txt messaging and rarely if ever (maybe once a year) will take a pic and text it to someone....

Another question which is also in regards to text messaging with this rom has to do with using the keyboard. I read about 10 - 15 pgs back that the keyboard can be used for text messaging so with that said, does it work for instance when not in manilla messaging but in wmo messaging or does it work in both? I'm confused! lol SORRY! I still have the sprint stock rom and I know when you slide over to the messaging tab and click on all messages it brings up the windows messaging interface which I would assume, that this would be the one that will work and not if you tap on the message on the manilla screen which keeps in the touch flo interface?

Hopefully this isn't too confusing! when referring to not working I mean sliding the keyboard open and having the screen turn black

Thanks a lot for all the info!

Last edited by jrgolfpro; 11-04-2009 at 04:07 PM.
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