Upset and confused
Ok so with this info coming out about the etf for Verizon doubling I am a little upset and not sure what to do. I planned on upgrading phones in a month or two giving me a little more info on what phones are coming out and if the moto Droid is worth it. But now with the etf going up I don't know if I should upgrade now or just switch carriers. I talked to a rep at the store and he says the email was worded to where it may only apply to new customers or first time smart phone owners but he didn't know for certain and that is not a risk I want to take.
I like Verizon for their coverage, and now that they are bumping up their game on smart phones they are even more appealing but this is bullshat that the want to double the etf. That amount for an etf is almost to the point buying outright would be better, do they not want to subsidize their phones anymore? Just completely confuses and pisses me off.