Originally Posted by rose1
Honestly, I would have no problem paying for it but when I thought about it, the tp2 is $449+tax which is $503.00 Then you have to wait 3 months for a $100 mail in rebate. That is just too expensive for a phone that has the same insides as the TP1. Also, if the TP1 didn't have so many issues with it (overheating, screen dying, keyboard dying), I would have kept it.
Yeah see, I had absolutely no excuse to try and scam anyone. My touch pro never broke and I had it from almost day one. Then on top of that, I wasn't even supposed to qualify for a $150 rebate on a new phone with renewal, their systems just screwed up and showed me having an extra year on my contract. THEN on top of THAT, the order didn't go through (probably because of this glitch) so I had to call in a second time. The woman gave me an extra 50 off just for having to do that.
So in all, I got 200 off this phone with renewal when I should have only qualified for 75 lol