Originally Posted by Solange82200
I have no idea lol, I would like to know that myself!
Originally Posted by greenskeeper805
I saw the GPS settings cab, what does it do?
Originally Posted by Solange82200
I use like, everything and I have had no problems getting locks anymore (and if you had read these forums many months ago, you would see that I was one of the main ones who could never get gps locks). Anyways, Im not sure which out of all these things has helped the most, since I use all of them, but something has helped for sure:
-Gpsgate (had to pay 20 bucks for it, you may want to try all the other things first and leave this as a last resort)
-CGPS Titanium Panel
-Adrynalyn's HTC Quick GPS patched
- GPS Settings cab extracted from Omnia Lite, found here, 5th from the top in the list:
Can I get some sort of clarity. It seems like everyone is using someth patch, .cab or tweak for gps, but it still seems to be a mystery as to how this thing actually works for you.
I am using Evidence's Eyemaster 9.1 ROM. There is a cgps panel on it. When I press the panel it never locks. I am confused. The questions are:
1. Does this panel turn on gps once i click it OR do I have to do another step?
If this does NOT turn it on automatically:
2. What program/app/.cab provides a on-button "on/off' switch. I get tired of having to go through settings/ then phone/ then services/ then 911 or location.
3. Is there such a service that does this.
Again, I know how to hit the search button on this site and I have looked around but everyone is always saying something different. Thanks in advance!