Originally Posted by rwcj63
Thanks rwsj63, I tried that also (saw it earlier in the posts) but still no good. Opened opera then went back to TF3D weather tab and hit the update now....and get the connection error...try again? Yes/No
Ok...fixed my issue and thought I'd post it for anyone else expreiencing this issue. I followed a quoted post from suntopper for a fix found by hoppyshaw here:
As I added the locations I wanted, I had to make that city my current location. Once that was done, I did an update now on weather tab then switched to another tab for a second or two, then back again and the weather for that city seemed to update. Funky I know, but it worked so I'm satisfied.
The one other thing I noticed is that the Update Now only updates the weather of location you are showing on the tab at that moment. It doesn't updated all.
Hope this helps anyone having the same issue.