Originally Posted by Vancer
Hey Rstoyguy,
I couldn't get that Sprint one to work in the PPCK, are you using the VK instead of PPCK? I noticed the oem didn't have an .rgu and thought maybe that wasn't needed for the VK but is needed for PPCK.
Any chance you could PPCK'ify that sprint keyboard?
Thanks Buddy!
I would suspect the reason why is in my kitchen all the registry edits are still in ..\OEMAPPS in my old kitchens. I'm currently using the Visual Kitchen by calkulin.
There are several differences between the kitchens, but the components both contain the same exact info. It's just stored differently to accomadate all the new fancy stuff.
Check out my OEM Tutorial, and here are the placement of the Visual Kitchen components:
*.RGU - Registry edits ..\OEMSample\app.reg (a regular windows registry file, edit with notpad)
InitFlashFiles.txt - The same, relocate to ..\OEMSample\app.dat. A text file.
All other components are stripped out. The option to turn it on/off is a simple flag located in ..\OEMSample\_skip .
All the actual files are stored seperately, I suppose to keep it organized, but they are stored in the directory ..\OEMSample\Files.
Here is the VK OEM that I've converted back to PPCK. Enjoy