Originally Posted by fishdood12
I love this ROM one of the best out there. Here is my only complaint/issue. Whenever I use google maps it gives me a lock very quick but its not accurate at all. Its usally between 1200 and 1500 meters of my location.
I never had this problem with the stock ROM. Any fixes for this?
I am running a stock radio but its a new phone so its version 1.12.34f, could that be a problem? Stock radio with stock rom was giving a lock within a couple meters.
I don't know if you have followed the major problems that HTC has been having with its gps over the last 2 weeks. There has been a lot of finger pointing as to the fault, but I don't think anyone has tract it down yet. Be that as it may, it appears that if your gps issue is related to these problems, reflashing Sprint radio 1.12.34f seems to solve the problem.
Hope this helps