Originally Posted by viper8u2
This happened to me also
Goto your connection settings for verizon wireless you will see 3 options
Switch it to autoselect and it should come back. I noticed this after it did the jmz provision after resetting again.
One issue I have is now when I reset it prompts me for my windows live password?
Thanks for the reply. After the 3rd hard reset I skipped carrier provisioning and did *22899 and data worked. I haven't tested MMS yet. The only thing I have installed was the Manilla 2.5 SMS app killer.
I'll tell you what, Windows marketplace makes it great for reinstalling your preferred apps upon a ROM flash. Juicy, great job on the speed of this ROM. I just need to find the cab to get rid of the hour+1 minute change from M2.5. Can't wait until some newer builds of Opera Mini 5 Beta are out. Browsing this forum on it sucks because you have to open a new tab to proceed through this forum on Opera Mini for some reason. other sites work fine.