Originally Posted by mulhiny
lol..actually due to some difficulties in the past Sprint discounts my $15 plan to a $2.50 unlimited data plan!
Yeah, thanks to Sprint Customer Retention I'm sporting a $5 unlimited data plan - known as the $15 Data Pack @
http://www.sprint.com/landings/attachables/# . For a brief moment (while switching between representatives) I had this elusive $2.50 data plan but rep #1 said that was a problematic code and that plan would bite me down the road. He offered me the $5 plan, which I was totally fine with.
How long have you been on the $2.50 plan? Any truth to the "system glitch" line I got?
I should add that I too tried to get the Snap at Best Buy with this unlimited data plan and got NOTHING BUT HASSLE. I eventually gave up and had Customer Retention mail me the phone. Time will tell if the $100 rebate is honored, I was told it would.