I sent a text message within the htc profile extender thing, hit ok, then my phone restarted on it's own.
What gives? Perhaps arcsoft stuff is interfering? This is on mighty rom, but I kind of thought I'd start a thread where people who witnessed a random restart could tell everyone what it was they were doing at the time of the event.
Anyone else have a similar story?
As it turns out, there have been quite a few people reporting random restarts. Please respond with your radio version when you report your experience. We might be able to track this down.
So far, people have reported random restarts with everything from sitting still doing nothing, to being tracked via gps on google maps (which, when I think about it, could both be related to gps with the my location function.) There doesn't appear to be an apparent pattern here
so far. My hunch is GPS/Radio. Please though, if you have a random restart experience, report it here with your radio version. (To check your radio version, go to your system settings, and look under device information (start>settings>system, or on stock rom start>settings>all settings>system.)
Edit again:
It seems mswlogo has found a possible solution:
Originally Posted by mswlogo
There was a problem with QuickGPS downloading bogus data that would cause any GPS application to reboot the phone.
To resolve it some folks put an stable xtra.bin in \Windows and \Temp with a CURRENT DATE. Disabled QuickGPS auto updates of ALL kinds. And reboot. Search diamond or touch pro forums for more info. It seems to have cleared up but the issue may still be lurking. It's very TIME dependent. Same data data file might be ok today broken tomorrow or visa versa.
GPS will work without up to date data from QuiockGPS it just may take a bit longer to lock.
You may have to set QuickGPS service to manual too.
Here is the Diamond thread