I know a lot of you guys swear by s2u2, seems its been updated and should fix some of the issues with our phones:
Developer's Website
XDA Thread
Changes of v2.12
- fixed the error in v2.10 when GIF wallpaper is used together with "Battery on top" turned on.
- fixed the CallerID problem that if your device works with v2.0x but not with v2.10.
- fixed an occasional power leak that new message is received when the device is sleeping.
- fixed the occasional problem that the taskbar is distorted when unlock.
- "Curtain Opacity" now works with "Float" top curtain.
- improved compatibility with WM6.5 devices, especially the CallerID.
- added Lithuanian language support.
Changes of v2.10:
- further enhanced S2U2 Settings to edit the Exceptional EXEs list; change the run application after unlock;
and change "Language" (must download the language pack & copy it to S2U2's installed folder first).
- added to show Caller/Sender pics on the missed call/message pop-up.
- added to show account name on the email pop-up.
- added option to show "Active" or "Due Today" task. (S2U2 Settings -> Information -> Task Count)
- added option to set the "Top Curtain" floats. (S2U2 Settings -> Appearance -> Top Curtain)
- added a new set of graphic files for showing the full-screen battery - battery0.png, battery10.png... battery100.png.
download the S2U2BatteryPack-QVGA.zip or S2U2BatteryPack-VGA.zip & refer to the BatteryReadme.txt inside for details.
- added option to show "Full Screen Battery on top of wallpaper".
- added Mouse lock for Omnia.
- added option to show S2P current album pic or not.
- re-added option GDI to "Display Mode" with faster performance.
- moved the option "Lock when Screen is Blank" to Power section to cater on battery and external power situations.
- extended the limit of "Boot up Delay" to 60s.
- fixed the corrupted screen on Touch Pro 2 when the orientation is changed, change the "Display Mode" to GDI.
- fixed the mis-shown of Bluetooth icon on Touch Pro 2.
- improved compatibility with WM6.5 devices, especially the CallerID.
- a few minor bugs fixed.