Here's the tutorial for creating an email settings CAB, edited the main post
To create the CAB you need to know your Email settings, and you must have
OEMizer and MakeCab (included in Windows)
1. Open OEMizer and edit the information in the main screen
2. Click on the POP3/IMAP4 checkbox and fill in the information for every account you have
3. Click on Create Cab and note the location of the OEM file location looks like this (RGU written to I:\Temp\OEM\NameOfOEM\GUID.rgu)
4. Go to the directory from Step 3 and find the file named mxip_myProv_100.provxml, rename it to something easier like settings.xml
5. Open a command prompt (Windows Key and R, or Start Menu and Run, then type cmd and hit ok)
6. In the command prompt navigate to the location of your setup.xml file, in my example, I: <enter> cd Temp\OEM <enter>
7. Type makecab setup.xml
8. Grab the CAB file from the directory and save it in a safe place.