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Old 11-02-2009, 11:52 PM
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Re: RhodiumW/Sprint/Verizon/Telus Touch Pro 2 CID/Security/SIM Unlocker

Originally Posted by 92GTA View Post
So....if I already have the HardSPL flashed then I don't need to select that option and just click the "Step 2: Unlock Radio" button?

When I try and do that it says failed to connect to the internet. I do have a firewall. I'm running Windows XP SP3 and I know what port I need to tell it to talk on but how do I do that? I don't see an option to enter a port #.

Technically though, can I just flash the hacked radio and THEN select "Step 3: Run Unlocker"? Can I even flash the hacked radio with just the HardSPL?

EDIT: Crap lol. I flashed the hacked radio but not I can't get out of the bootloader lol. Am I screwed until I can get to a PC without a firewall of what?

EDIT 2: I need my phone for work today so I'm just reflashing the entire stock Sprint package back and relocking it. Then when I get home with no firewall I will run all 3 steps in the correct order.

you need to do the steps in order. step 1 can be skipped if you have HardSPL already. anyway, you know that now, lol (sorry). as for firewall, just disable it temporarily. oh and a simple solution to get out of bootloader without hard reset is running the (separate, public) HardSPL package in MANUAL MODE (this doesn't need internet either), and flash.
or you can even flash a splashscreen only NBH, that works from SD card.
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