Originally Posted by bigchico67
Well I have been half way successful in fixing the mms problem. under the server settings for mms it is initially set for wap 2.0. That needs to be set to none, because sprints pic mail does not use a wap. Now when I send a message it says message sent, however it never goes through to anyone. So that is where I am on it right now. Anyone else have any progress??
yea thats where i have been since about noon pst. if you look pages back we've been working at this all day. but yea i can receive fine, when i send it says it goes, but nothing on other end, ive only managed just one mms to actually be received by someone else on the other end but ive messed with some many configs and settings that i dont remember what it was set to at the time. plus the mms came through as being received at 2am on the users end when i sent it at 11am. maybe theres something messed up with the time settings. but im just gonna give up now. im sure it will be solved by some genius programmer in the future so no sense in wasting my time anymore, well, my works time i guess. lol