what i did was follow some of the instructions from this thread below
but basically i uninstalled the HTC USB drivers and reinstalled them/ i didnt follow thread exactly or all the way because it wasnt for my issue, BUT 1 lil part of it had some relevance
and so i gave it a shot and the rest is history" good luck
http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=10225 "
*****READ THOROUGHLY, THIS IS NOT HARD - and no OS reinstall needed!*****
I realize it can be easy to blame Vista, but the real cuplrit here is WMDC and its USB Drivers. I have verified the issue is USB related as handsets sync without issue via Bluetooth and Infared.
Here is a troubleshooting process:
1) unplug your handset, do a soft reset and reboot your PC. Unplug the USB cable from its existing USB socket and plug it into a different socket after the computer has rebooted, then attach the handset. Each socket will have its own driver install (we will talk more about this later). Also verify in the connection settings of WMDC that you have enabled USB connections.
2) Verify in your Power Management Settings you do not have selective USB/PCI suspend active. this is a power saving feature which may put certain USB devices to "Sleep" to save power and internal bandwidth.
3) GoTo: Start, Right-Click "My Computer" and choose "Manage". Once the Management Console opens choose "Device Manager" DM opens browse down to "Portable Devices" and loock for a "Pocket PC". If a handset is listed then Right-Click and "uninstall" (go ahead and click the box to delete the drivers too). If a handset is NOT listed then click on "Action" then "Scan for hardware changes". this will attempt a discovery of attached hardware and install any newfound devices.