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Old 11-02-2009, 04:20 PM
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Re: Does GPS ever just 'go bad'?

Originally Posted by fnakfhe View Post
your right.

it works now.

before i just copyed the file over, and it kept the same date as the original poster's date.

but you have to use todays date.

so i just used NOTEPAD.EXE and opened the file then save it again,

this re-save caused the CREATION date of the file to be todays date, and now it works.

save to \windows and \temp
You're lucky. Don't use NOTEPAD it will corrupt the file (Both XP and Win 7).

To safely trigger the date change without changing contents.

Open a DOS Window (Command Prompt) and CD to where you have the file then just type

copy xtra.bin+,,

That will basically copy a NEW file to itself and change the date.
Then copy it down to \Windows and \Temp on your phone.
EVO 4G, Stock Sprint ROM, ProClip in Car, Sony HBH-300.
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