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Old 11-02-2009, 03:18 PM
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Re: |H|ROM|6.5.1|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Photon' (23081/21864) ** | Oct 25th | Manila 2.1

Originally Posted by adiehlman View Post
Wow man, You have been a real Help. Look forward to chating more with you. Does the OCT 22 build have the new Icons and other things. Maybe I should not use this 28TH Build.
I have yet to begin to help.

I've been away and am trying to catch up to the threads progress - and of course, the seventeen builds that were released. My understanding is that the 10/22 build of 23081 and the 10/28 release are the same...but the 10/28 release has the showcase fix cooked in and uses a new build of the dialer.

There was another ROM released on 10/22 that I haven't tested, but I think it's the older build type without the start button at the bottom.

I don't think these issues you're having are related to the 10/28 beta, but I won't discourage you from flashing to another build if you found it to be more stable.

In a couple of hours, I'll have my install walk through complete for the 23081 build...if you're curious. Links are in my sig.
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