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Old 11-02-2009, 02:34 PM
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Re: |H|ROM|6.5.1|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Photon' (23081/21864) ** | Oct 25th | Manila 2.1

Originally Posted by adiehlman View Post
A Call comes in Rings and Lights up I slide or hit send and it keeps ringing and showing the side bar on the screen. Just will not answer. I have tried build 25 and beta 28 and it does it. I went into reg edit searched for suspendresume and changed the value to #777 and reset and still does it. I am thinking of doing another hard reset again. and Yes every time I flash I stock Hard Buld hard and this happens. it looks like it wants to answer but keeps ringing.
Yea, that's the exact issue with the Tachi Dialer, but changing suspendresume should have cleared that up. I might just reflash, if I were might not need to do the whole "dance" of going to stock. As soon as the phone comes up, after the customizations, check the suspendresume edit to ensure its set to "#777", and then try calling your phone to see if it's working better.

I rarely have slide to answer issues. I'm not saying the reg edit clears it 100% of the time, but it's will typically fail 100% of the time if it's not set to #777.

I just flashed the new 23081, and while I havn't been able to replicate a lock up, I haven't really run this build through the paces yet.
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