Originally Posted by boe
Unfortunately, according to several reports from HTC- Sprint hasn't even approached them about carrying the HD2. Sprint really pisses me off sometimes. If I hadn't negotiated such a great plan with them many years ago when they could offer good pricing I would move to another carrier. My only hope is that either Sprint actually listens or that the person in charge of selecting phones is fired or is declared incompetent by the state and isn't allowed to telecommute from his padded cell.
According to David Owens, VP of consumer marketing Sprint will have Windows Mobile 7 phones just as soon as Microsoft releases it. (
According to a leaked Microsoft document Microsoft is going to release RTM release of Windows Mobile 7 in the month of April 2010. This means that to see the final version, we will need to wait till September or October of 2010 to see Windows Mobile 7 on our devices.
And according to a supposed leaked Microsoft document, the minimum specs for any Windows Mobile 7 phone are:
WM7 Chassis 1 Specification
Core requirements:
Processor: ARM v6+, L2 Cache, VFP, Open GL ES 2.0 graphics HW (QCOM 8k, Nvidia AP15/16
* and TI 3430 all meet spec)
Memory: 256MB+ DRAM, 1G+ Flash (at least 512MB fast flash – 5MB/s unbuffered read @4K block size)
Display: WVGA (800×480) or FWVGA (854×480) 3.5” or greater diagonal
Touch: Multi-touch required
Battery: Sufficient to meet Days of Use LTK requirements.
Controls: Start, Back, Send and End are required (soft controls allowed as long as they are always present).
Camera: 3MP+, flash optional, 2nd camera optional (VGA resolution sufficient)
GPS: aGPS required
Sensors required: Light Sensor, Compass (3 axis, 5 degrees, 100 Hz sample rate), Accelerometer (3 axis, 2mg resolution, 100 Hz sample rate)
USB: High speed required, 20 MB/s transfer rate.
BlueTooth: BT2.1 required, must run MSFT BT stack, CSR BlueCore6 or later recommended.
Wi-Fi: 802.11B/G required, must run MSFT Native Wi-Fi stack, Atheros 6002 or Broadcomm 4325 recommended.
Connectors: Micro USB and 3.5mm Audio required.
FM tuner: If tuner HW is present it will be detected and supported by the Media application.
SD Card (Micro SD recommended)
DPAD, qwerty or 12/20 key keyboards all optional
Therefore, at the very latest Sprint will have the HD2 or HD2-like devices around September of next year. But I would bet they will bring out the HD2 or a like device well before that timeline.