Re: droid or htc touchpro 2
Yeah lots of buzz about Android right now and no certainty if it will continue to pick up steam. I will be suprised if it doesn't, but I certainly don't blame anyone for having doubts...
I am also going to try the Droid, even after a long history with WinMo, and I share the queasy sentiments. At least I have a business account and my rep will probably let me handle both devices and maybe even demo them for a week or two each before I make my decision. Bleh. Tough call. Here is what puts me over the line for the Droid:
* Potential for Innovation with Android vs. the very slow dev cycle for WinMo. Plus I'm frankly just getting sick of windows mobile. It was not designed very well for phone use in my opinion. Still no repeating notifications for missed calls / txts?! What?!
* Better GPS capabilities - Turn by turn Voice Navigator for free. Very cool.
* Fast and click performance - Android appears to run very smoothly on the Droid.
* Good running app management - From what I understand, the Droid only allows 6 apps to run, and automatically closes background apps if resources get low, depending on settings.
* Better Construction - sounds like the Droid is built like a tank
* Included 16GB Storage
* Better Camera
My concerns:
* THE KEYBOARD! AHHH! The device is the slimmest with a hardware keyboard, but man ... Droid to TP2 is like night and day when it comes to the keyboard. Very big concern.
* Finding replacements for WinMo apps I have purchased. Bleh.
* No more mymobiler. Boo. I LOVE being able to type txt messages and control my phone from my PC while in the office. Very cool. Hopefully someone comes up for an android replacement.
* Appearance. This isn't real high on the list, but still notable. The TP2 is much sleeker looking IMO. But then again the Droid is more masculine. I wonder what my impression will be after seeing it in person. Samsung's i760 was ugly in pictures, but I liked the look once I got my hands on it.
I hope someone does a good side-by-side comparison soon. That would be really helpful for those of us who are almost having buyers remorse before even making the decision. : )
BTW, I just made the jump to Windows 7 from Vista and have been very happy. Maybe that is making this decision a little easier for me also.
Last edited by joelseph; 11-02-2009 at 01:58 PM.