Need some advice
Alright here I go. I bought a Touch on ebay and had it activated on my network which is not sprint. Phone worked pretty good but I wanted to mess around with the prl settings to make sure that it was going off of the right towers. I made a bad blunder with QPST and restored my touch with all of my 6700 .nvm files which made it not able to locate the radio. It will boot to the HTC logo screen and then in red letters on the bottom says No Radio. I can't get it connected to qpst again cuz I can't get it into diag mode. There is a Sprint Repair center where I live and I was wondering if anyone knows if it is at all possible for a repair center erase and put everything back to normal? I could send it back to HTC but my warranty is voided with me messing with the phone. Do you think I could get in trouble for messing with the phone and will they be able to tell that I did? I don't want to lie and hope that they don't find out. That is not me. Any comments are welcome and by the way I welcome the "you are an idiot comments", since I obviously did something stupid. How would you handle this situation?