Originally Posted by lkctd8
Are you sure that is the plan he is talking about? I am on the 3rd party dealer plan as well with the Hero. It isn't the friends and family plan that the sprint employee has to be held accountable for. It is a free and clear 3000 plan that includes a free unlimited data pack for $20 a month. It is used for authorized dealer employees and employees of Radioshack and places like that.
There are 4 types of cheaper plans other than the Simply Everything that will work with the hero, pre, similar phones. Sprint employee, Advantage line plan, store demo phone plan and the 3rd party dealer plan. There are no exceptions, the system store employees and customer support uses requires to change the plan as soon as the esn is entered, otherwise it wont let the user save the changes. So yes be very careful when a telesales rep says that it will work yada yada, cause he/she is lying to get the sale, as for the store rep he/she cant let you leave the store without paying for the phone which has to be activated before you leave, which in turn requires plan change.