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Old 11-01-2009, 11:38 PM
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Re: 10-30 | ROM | WM 6.5 | Rhodium 2.1 || GadgetROM v1.9 || 21869 Halloween Edition

Originally Posted by SnoopDawg View Post
GadgetFreak, I love your ROM. My wife has a Diamond and I have a Touch Pro.

I really, really like the way it is skinned, the only exception is the 2 rows of Icons on the start menu but I will get over that.

Since you are using Calk's Kitchen, would it be that hard to build one with a COM3/COM4 for the Touch Pro?

(Chinglish Voice) You do have a strong Kung Fu and I believe the Eye Candy is really, really you like.(/Chinglish Voice)
Originally Posted by gadgetfreak View Post
Whoops! I forgot to ad the FM Radio back in (I don't use it on my personal edition...), and I meant to switch to the 4 row set up for the start menu, but I forgot to do that too. I'll get that fixed and posted in the am. Meanwhile, time for Nyquil. Stupid cold...
Regarding the start menu, here is a great thread that gives you the option to change the start menu from 3 to 4 ,5 and 6 columns. Cabs are available as well!