I'm in Minneapolis and "accidentally" broke the sync/charge usb port on my 6700, so i went into Sprint knowing it was highly possible I would walk out with a Mogul. I was there for a total of about 10 minutes... Most of the time was spent giving my account information. The techs basically looked at my 6700, then kinda looked at eachother and grabbed me a new, not refurb Mogul no questions asked really. I "acted" mad about having a 2g mini sd and now would have to spend another $35 for a micro sd. The tech then let me know that it wouldn't even be possible to order me another 6700, but said he would swap me out a new micro sd for my used mini... that was awesome. So I am now the proud owner of a Mogul, and had it completely modded within an hour of getting it outta the box.