Originally Posted by ace10134
You don't need to Hard Reset after flashing. That's a myth. And that RAM isn't that high, I've had it that high with the stock ROM's too, just with Opera. Opera's a big beast.
You do what you like, Ive flashed multiple times and have also flashed my wifes, Ive got like 50 flashes at least under my belt........ I have had expieriences where not hard reseting causes wierd issues, believe it or not, I and alot of others agree, hard reset helps the unexplainable....... thanks for the little incite though.....
and yes stock ram was high, thats mainly a reason to flash, save memory right????????? so just because stocks ram was also high, doesnt mean thats normal......... and yes dude......... 84 % is high, 74 % is way high with nothing open.....