Originally Posted by Adrianh85
if i know how to do that i would have no problem putting the work in!! can some one who has worked on the ones in the past hand some knownledge???!!!
I do not know of a tool but you can manually do it. an OEM contains an RGU (for reg entries) a DSM, which contains dependency/version information, both of these files must have the same name but .RGU and .DSM extention. the name is a hexadecimal number. for example: 80410518-4ef2-428c-8b47-4cb5a79e4c5b. this is called a GUID. the dsm and rgus must be in this naming format. I prefer to start my GUIDs with fffffffff- that way my OEMs are processed last. EXTs are processed alphabetically, OEMs are processed by GUID. just rename an EXT app.reg into GUID.RGU and create a blank file called GUID.DSM (you most likely will not need to put any information in it, but if you do there is DSM_editor. OEMs do not have subdirectories (except of course for modules), so put all your files in the root of the OEM, rename app.dat initflashfiles.txt. that is pretty much it for converting ext to oem. This can probably be scripted in batch without too much trouble.
edit: turns out I did make a booting tp2 rom I just didnt give it long enough to boot lol man this thing takes forever to do the first boot..