Originally Posted by stimpson
Strange that mine at least sometimes got an accurate fix before it crashed.
Me too, I always get an almost instant accurate fix(within 80 meters) but this is just for 2.5 sec.. then crash, com4 becomes unresponsive and no satellite found until I soft reset... very frustrating....
Originally Posted by psiphi
In that case, here is a copy on my expired xtra.bin (you will need to unzip it)... After you disable updates in QuickGPS, copy this to your \windows directory and soft boot...
Thank you ! My last file was from early September so I guess a bit too old... unfortunately still no success for me.
are these problems unheard of on a GSM point of view ?... is this an isolated CDMA situation ?
I tried putting to test my DST theory and tried all kinds of time zone spoofing and combination of time.... again no succes ....
Originally Posted by ucfbeta92
This has got to be more than a coincidence.
I agree we're still trying to pinpoint the big WHY ?
anybody tried to contact their service provider about this issue ?... I personally did and got the standard automatic answer (hard reset, if nothing go to a store for bla bla bla....)Tried to reach a second level tech and they've never heard of this (for bell anyways)
Originally Posted by liquidy
Just an update replacing the bin file solved my problem, I did not updtae any radios or anything just replaced the xtra.bin from this post solve my problem, thanks a million to the poster for sharing the file
I'm very glad it worked for you... is this a new phone ?or you've had this phone for a little while ? (maybe newer radios react better with this workaround)
Originally Posted by mswlogo
What I think I may have to do is Reload ROM and NEVER run QuickGPS (which I did do).
I did this as well with Stock and Nrg rom even leaving the phone off all the time... not even a glimpse of hope.... nothing...
this is very frustrating as I need this GPS badly for tomorrow... I guess i'll have to wait for sunday morning 2 am.... for a big maybe