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Old 10-30-2009, 12:19 PM
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Re: JCerna Your Bill Whiz Need Beta Testers

Thanks for the feedback; I'm glad that the app looks like it should in the Omnia. It's really hard to write an app that will work with all screen resolutions/sizes. Anyways... That is weird that the screen opens up to the split/even screen. The app should open to a blank screen and from there you should be able to either go to the calculator or the bill, I will check into that.
Also there is numeric keypad but it only shows in the Bill tip/tax screen. When you click on a number to change and the scrolling numbers bars come up you can press in the soft keyboard icon to make it show. The number pad does need a makeover but that’s later.

Originally Posted by syrguy1969 View Post
On the Omnia i910 this app seems to work well. Taking into account the beta status and your list of already knows issues + goals, what you have so far seems to work as advertized, doesn't have resolution issues, and seems moderately stable (I have crashed a couple times, but I can't pin it to the app alone (can't reproduce exactly)).

It may just be me, or maybe when the menu screen is tweaked it will be clearer, but for an app that is primarily based on figuring tips + bill splits, I would think it would be easier to open on the 'bill screen' first, and allow you to navigate to the calculator from there. (I can't remember what screen it started with because in looking again I may have uncovered a bug, I am stuck on the 'even/split' screen whenever I open the app.)

I also noticed you can'r enter more than $100 and change on the bill screen, and I know it may look cooler to have a scrolling choice area like it has, but maybe each digit could be altered allowing you to chose the hundreds place, the tens and the ones individually...either by scrolling menu like you have, a rolling one like another 'fruity' phone or have a numeric keypad pop-up. I know you can enter it into the calculator, but it just seems to me that by the time you get to the splitting stage you usually have the bill already and don't need to add it together to figute the tip or split.

Just my opinion, I may be in the minority, but far it is looking pretty good JCerna!!
If I help you out please say Thanks
Need a Bill, Tip, Tax Calculator
JCerna Your Bill Whiz

Last edited by JCerna; 10-30-2009 at 12:22 PM.
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