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Old 10-30-2009, 09:53 AM
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Re: The htc tp2 likes/dislikes/issues [sprint]

Originally Posted by kolanut View Post
I'm beginning to miss my TP1.

I don't know if it's my phone that's giving me trouble (please let me know if you guys are experiencing this as well), but here are the cons I'm experiencing:


1. Clock and Battery can't coexist together on taskbar (if you choose to display clock on taskbar at all times... you loose the battery status icon).

2. Taskbar/Notifications; u can't click on any of the icons and get actual information. Clicking the taskbar just takes u to the "notifications" screen. The notification screen is a nice feature, but its only good for letting u know u have a new text/voicemail/etc. It doesn't let u check the status of your battery, network, etc.

3. Goes back to "home screen" whenever screen "sleeps"/goes on standby; If you're surfing the net on Opera... or running a program like Skype... once the screen goes off/standby and you wait a minute or so to turn it back on, it resumes back on the home screen (whatever you were working on is closed/hidden/etc.

4. Opera browser doesn't show up on Quick Menu (tab that shows running programs); meaning you have to relaunch the web all over again. Or you can open up the keyboard and push the "internet" button to resume. Both options are VERY inconvinient.

5. Battery is about the same as TP1; from what others were saying, I expected it to last longer. You have to recharge daily.

That's all I can think of at the moment. If you guys know how to correct these problems, please fill me in. Cuz it's really bothering me.
Forgot to mention that I have the Sprint Touch Pro 2. Don't know if all models are experiencing these problems. Anyways, I keep finding more things to complain about... but I'm getting used to the "flaws" and adapting to them. Here's what else I've noticed:

-- You can't click on links when viewing text messages; unless you select "All Messages" and view it in that format.

-- You can't multi-select your emails/messages by dragging your finger down like you could on TP1; you have to open up your keypad and use the "shift" button to multi-select (there's no "CTRL" button so you can't be more precise in your selection).

Originally Posted by xx8josh9xx View Post
i have found a few ways to fix this, first in setting there is a check box that says close all applications when not in use or something like that, if you uncheck this it works) (remember bad on battery so remember to close things)
I can't find this option... where is it? Do you have the Sprint TP2?

second thing i have noticed is its in a different tab, so if you open the internet and search anything (i normally just press a letter and search), and you will now see 2 tabs, close the one your in and open the other.....thats my fix on this issue ATM
Yeah... I know it creates a 2nd tab when re-launch the browser but I hate having to close the extra tab. But here's what I've done to "fix" this problem:

I added the "Opera" program in the "Start Menu"... when you want to re-open what you were viewing in the browser, just open in from here and it pops back up. Or you can open the browser via the keyboard button (but that's more of a hassle).
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