Originally Posted by shaolinsoldier79
Wirelessly posted (HTC-P4600/1.2 Opera/9.50 (Windows NT 5.1; U; en))
I followed winmonewbie's instructions to fix messaging freeze. So far so good no freezes today. I also do reg edit to make bottom right x button close insead of minimize, but when I followed directions for fix, it changed back to minimize, so i did reg edit again, but it dosent work I know there is x button hidden at top right, but it is kind of buggy to me, dont always close on first tap, and if there is a program minimized it wont let me open showcase. and also holding start button dosent bring up showcase either.
Hey Bro-the new controls do take some getting used to. I'd start by setting the reg edit back.
Now tapping the upper right hand corner will close the program like you said, it took me a little while to get it right. Tapping and holding the corner will pull up a menu, slide all the way to the left to pull up Showcase.
Originally Posted by adiehlman
Thank You

Your welcome.