Originally Posted by Lacussumok
ok i got everything good now except the flashing part i hit the play button ant it builds the rom and everything then it asks me to go into bootloader mode and i dont exactly knw what that is i mean i hit the reset button while holding the button on the top and side and my screen turns off with lettering saying serial v1.2 and then when i put the usb in it says usb but it dosent do nothing it just says connection error and now my phone isent working its stuck in the serial mode even when i do a hard reset it says press ok to clear and it dosent do nothing please help im stuck in this mode and i cant get out of it
I'd bet you're not waiting long enough for the device to be recognised. And now you're probably stuck in bootloader. Try plugging in the USB and wait for the device to be recognised, look in the Build OS/upgrade/ NoID_RUU folder for a program called UNI_ExitBootloader. Go into ActiveSync and under File/connection settings and uncheck USB. Click on UNI_ExitBootloader. It should reset and come back up. Then re-enable ActiveSync USB. Put it back in bootloader(hold power and note poke reset screeen goes black with serial and version) , plug it in and wait for it to be recognised and THEN run the RUU...should work.
(Mods- this is open for any correction(s))