Originally Posted by triscuit1983
You're best bet is to make an OEM using OEMizer and convert it to an EXT.
Its usually included in whatever kitchen your using. Its pretty easy to make one, but if you need more help, let me know.
Here are a few of the ones that I made so you can see what it looks like.
I use a program called cab converter and after I convert it to OEM the folder is empy. I know it works cuz I've done it with many other cabs.
I don't see OEMizer in the kitchen tools... Just downloaded it... so much more to learn.
The one I want to cook in is your
Plain Black cab. I've tried a few other pano cabs. It seems that
your cabs don't work for some reason. When changing them to OEM, the folder is always empty. Other cabs work though. Any thoughts?