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Old 11-21-2007, 11:20 PM
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I just got back from the Verizon store and was checking out the i760 from Samsung. I liked it well enough, the front keypad (and thus instant dialing) was a real plus. And not having to switch functions while typing text is cool.

In store, I noticed the Send key will push the top and bottom apart if you aren't thinking about it. And the screen was mushy and did a LCD-style color splash when pressing with fingers. I played with the Voyager which has a glass screen and no mush at all, it was sweet! But I ain't getting no Voyager. BTW the Voyager came out just today.

Basically the question is this: After talking to Verizon on the phone today, somebody DID say the VX6800 was going to be released on the 28th. Which means we aught to see preorder on their website any time now. In any case, it should certainly be out before Xmas, and well within my 30 day exchange period if I were to buy the i760 now and change to the 6800 later to get a few extra features like scroll wheel, EVDO A, actual USB jack, etc...
This would at least give me time to test the i760 for a while and then consider the 6800 when it comes out.

So basically I think I would do fine with Verizon and either of those phones. The real question now comes down to the package. The basic package with web access is $79 bucks and you can't even do text messaging! That just plain doesn't sound good to me. I can get on SERO with Sprint and have both web and all their TV and music stuff for, I'm sure, at least $20 less. Or if I don't get fancy, I can get most of what Verizon offers on SERO plan for closer to $40 less a month.

Is it worth going for the Mogul on SERO to save the extra bucks but deal with Mogul's issues? OR are we relatively certain Verizon will release a working 6800 out of the box? Who would want to switch from Sprint to Verizon and pay $20+ more a month for the same services and basically the same phone?

This is such a game. My head is going to fry.

What if I'm really not going to use the web much? I have WiFi at home, work, friend's and families homes (for the most part). Even hot spots around my fav eating places. So should I bother with the E-mail/web plan? I mean, I can get E-mail and do everything over wifi that I can do with a data plan right?

Now answer THOSE questions why doncha!

Thanks a bunch, hugs and kisses!
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