Re: Do you think omnia 2 is losing its hype??
Originally Posted by nerdherd
EDIT: Also, I don't know what you mean about "it's 200MHz less than the Droid", but the Omnia II is actually 800Mhz and the Droid is 550Mhz. That being said, the Omnia II is based on the older ARM11 CPU and the Droid is based on the ARM Cortex v8 (same as the iPhone and Pre), which from what I read is like 40% faster clock-for-clock than the older ARM11. So in the end they should perform similarly. At least that's my understanding of it all...
For some reason I thought it had the snapdragon 1000MHz. My bad!
EDIT: Yeah I was totally off! Isn't someone releasing a snapdragon HTC phone soon?
Stock AT&T ROM w/ Transparent Manila 2.1 edits
(I miss flashing... )
Don't forget to click THANKS for those who have helped!
Last edited by greenskeeper805; 10-29-2009 at 04:00 PM.