Originally Posted by winmobilelawyer
I know this isnt the thread to be having this conversation. But my point was that there is no leak that this is what WinMo6 was designed to do, and I believe it was designed that way because MS assumed the latest phons would be 96mb of ram or higher.
I could accept that M$ allowed WM6 to use more memory because that ASS-U-ME-D that the devices would have more RAM. That just means we have less RAM to use at start up. What I can't accept is a LEAK as a design feature. There is a flaw in WM6's memory management that doesn't recover all the memory used by various second party programs when they quit. For many users this will mean that they will eventually run out of RAM no matter how much RAM the system has. 128mb helps matters greatly, but it doesn't fix things at all.
WM5 phones generally start out with ~30mb and settle in at 20-24mb, WM6 starts at ~24mb and fall steadily to ~3 when a reboot is required.
Getting back to the ROM in this thread. Rock solid so far! Easily the best BT performance I've seen on my Mogul. The problem is my RAM is now at 5mb after last rebooting ~11:00PM last night.