Re: |H|ROM|6.5.1|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Photon' (23081/21864) ** | Oct 25th | Manila 2.1
Great ROM's once again. The whole series of Photon ROM's have been excellent. I only had one set back with any of them and that was the 23071 titanium. I had it all "customized" and then the last soft reset cycled and my bottom taskbar had gone white while losing the windows flag start menu. So I flashed to the 10-15 Titanium release and it was flawless yet again. I worked out the sashimi and flashing from the SD card thing where loading my cutomizations became a BREEZE. After this was all sorted out on my end I started working out all the ROMS that you curently released. '071 & '081 were neat to work with after I realized it was a wait cursor I was loading that screwed up the bottom taskbar. I feel the 21864 ROM is more polished, which vary well may be, because I'm trained on the taskbar being at the top. It seems cumbersome to work on some of the "finger friendly" menus. Graphically it's cool to see the direction MS is going they just need to get some "cool" about what they're designing. However as you can tell I have digressed. I have always flashed my ROM in the "flashdance" method until flashing from the sd card and utilizing sashimi recently, like last few days recently, and not once have I flashed back to stock or done additional hard resetting and my device performs exactly in the same manner as if I had done the flashdance method. Absolutley perfectly and in the same manner without any inadvertant hard resetting/freezing/soft-resetting, quick and and accurate GPS location from live search, sprintnav, google maps, or any dialer (Tachi) or data hiccups. So I guess I'm not sure if what I'm telling you is that the flashdance might just be overrated or that NRGZ28 is so badass that the doing all that extra flashing is a waste of time when using his ROM's. I've read every post in this thread and I know that somewhere NRGZ said that he doesn't believe or do the extra flashing.
"Blessed art thou, Griffon, whose beak hath rent no morsel of the sweet wood of this tree, for it grips the belly with a raging torment!" ~Dante
Last edited by BenS; 10-29-2009 at 01:20 AM.