Originally Posted by arabdog
ok the reason im doing all this is because for some freaking reason my touch pro from alltel was connecting via usb before i flashed it sprint, but now that its on sprint i can connect it via usb anymore to flash to cricket. well once i use the sspl it come up raph .25 then i hold down the buttons and restart then imediatlely shows comex but no "press power to flash" any way so i thought getting it to comex was good enough. well i want to flash it back to alltel stock so i renamed the nbh properly removed everything else off the sd card put that on. when i go to hold down the button again it comes up very quickly "no image file" then goes back to comex so its not loading the alltel stock that i have on my sd card. i have formated properly otherwise the first step wouldnt have worked. am i forgetting something i mean i put the a couple of different roms on the sd card and renamed them but still does the same thing, please help?
you either have the file names wrong (as posted in the first post its really easy to accidently name it wrong) or your not formatted correctly if there is literally nothing else on the sd card then theres really no risk of placing it in a folder accidently so it will be one of those two options. if while in file explorer the file looks like raphimg.nbh try removing the .nbh if it still doesn't work, try using nuestorage to format your sd card.