Originally Posted by bigboy292000
Well, looks pretty nice yes but - a device with a keyboard is not oing ot for me - don't need the added bulk factor.
Plus - you know - it's funny I think... everyone says how WM sucks etc (yeah it has issues allright) but everyone seems to be assuming that Droid will do it all perfect? Hmmm.
For those who think the grass is greener...
I went from Touch pro to Sprint Hero and guess what? The Hero is going back to Bestbuy soon...
Android is a new OS not quite polish yet (MHO). Not a lot of useful apps out there. Bluetooth file transfer doesn't work unless rooted (not CDMA version yet). SMS problems, some time doesn't wake up as txt came in, missing calls - not ring at all.
OTOH, WinMo is like a pick up truck it's got the job done even though it's not a looker...HTC did a very good job putting lipstick on the pig tho