Originally Posted by papastompy
Hello to all. I Just spent the better part of my evening going through this post and wanted to thank all who contributed to this fun first time endeavor of mine. I'm in Anaheim/Beuna Park, CA area on Sprint with a newer TP(old one had usual keyboard problem) with radio version 1.12.34F and updated stock ROM 2.01.xx. Thought I'd give it a try to 1) unlock my phone, then 2) use a different radio, went with Verizon 1.03.09V and so far it seems to be working a touch better.
In the few hours that I've changed it, I've noticed my battery isn't as hot as before, my signal is still as good as stock radio, if not a little bit better, and when teathered to my netbook, it seems to have a faster page search/less lag.
So thank you once again, I was a bit nervous but now I'm thinking of doing a custom ROM change in the near future. This was such an easy thing to do, especially with all the info you provided. I look forward to more tweaks in the future.
Definitely try the custom ROM. i too was nervous at first, didn't want to mess up my phone, but the things these chefs are doing with the different ROMS makes it like you have a brand new phone! I flash all the time now.