Wirelessly posted (AdrianH85(TP2): Opera/9.5(Microsoft Windows; PPC; Opera Mobi/16643; U; en) HTC_Touch_Pro2_T7379)
Originally Posted by DJ_SirG
NO no no... The Sprint TP2 is NOT a CDMA phone. The Sprint Touch Pro2 (like all TP2's on all networks) is a WORLD phone. The TP2 is CDMA AND QUAD band GSM.
You can take it a step further and check the chip set on the TP2 from T-Mobile and AT&T you will see they are Quad band GSM AND CDMA making them a world phone. If you want to know if you can put your friends SIM card in and use the device the answer is yes but ONLY if you have unlocked the SIM. Sprint and Verizon have SIM Locke's so the device wont let you use a SIM that is not from there network.
For the people that are going to post after me.....
The answer is YES the Verizon and Sprint TP2 can be used in the United States on the GSM networks. It was true in the past that CDMA devices with GSM chips could only use GSM outside the U.S. Them devices where NOT Quad Band and only use 2 of the 4 MHz provided to the GSM network.
all the op was asking was if he could use a gsm keyboard layout on his sprint tp2! and the answer is no! there is even a chance of bricking ur phone!
and the sprint tp2 is a cdma phone that just happens to be quad band gsm making it a cdma/gsm hybid world phone!!!