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Old 11-21-2007, 10:49 AM
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nosmohtac: umm.. a script was running? Interesting, cause that would have to be launched? I'm gonna bet the script was launched somewhere. We'd love to hear what script was running if it happens to you again.

All: I AGREE. This is not the "fix" for everything, it is, however, a big step forward with this device. I dont like the quality as well as i did the other combination, but i do like the added stability. However to be discouraged. No2Chem was ALWAYS using this aku and we hear/think he may just have reachede a good compromise place with an AKU.7+216 phone. Last night i reflashed a phone to aku.7 and 216. I will say the QUALITY of the sound of bluetooth was/is better than the combination we're using here. The march goes on. We do need you're testing and feedback, so we can catch things we might not otherwise in the next run. I expect we may have something new for you to test say friday or so.

Thanks for you're help in making this a better phone everybody
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