It wasn't a PPC per se...because PPC's didn't exist then, but it was a "pocket PC" -or let's say a handheld PC...a device that pioneered portable computing...
Psion Organiser II w/ 16K battery-backed memory module
And from that point I was hooked, and I'm pretty sure this is my complete history....and I'm pretty sure I've still got every single one of them in a special box in the basement....
Psion Series 3
A bunch of Sharp Organizer's [a stretch I know]
Palm Pilot 1000
Palm Pilot Professional
Palm III
Palm IIIc
Palm V
Palm Tungsten W
Philips Nino [first real PPC I guess you could we use the term today]
Compaq iPaq 3630 w/ jacket
Treo 600
Treo 650
Treo 700wx
HTC 6800 AKA Mogul / Titan
HTC Touch Pro
Treo Pro
HTC Touch Pro2
Not too shabby...and no I'm not that old...just started early