Originally Posted by johnyd
I pull the battery out and reset the phone. It didnt work . I did some research today then I saw my email setup which checks my 3 different email account every 15 min, 30 min and 45 min. I went to the setting and put it once a day. So now I dont know wht will happen next.
No I didnt install anything. I am going to do with my phone until the WM 6.5 comes out.
I didn't install any gps prog. S2U2 .. its all factory..
Now I didnt do clean cab. I dont know what exactly will do that. I might try it couple of days later to see what happen next after I changed the setting..
Have you disabled HTC's "Push Internet"? If it's polling and you are in a crappy coverage area or deep in the bowels of a corporate prairie dog farm, that might do it... as would any other app running in the background that needs to periodically hit the internet for updates (stocks, weather, etc.)