Originally Posted by PogoStick
nahh, you can do anything you want in the TF3D Program Tab, just do the following:
*AFTER* you populate the start menu icon slots, you just need to edit/change following registry keys:
(you could just set up everything in the registry, but if you populate the icons first you dont have to type in long executable paths as well as icon paths):
(I prefer using PHM Regedit m'self)
Now find the subkey number corresponding to your icon slot (0=Top left, 1=Top Midle, 2=Top Right, 3=Next row left column, etc)
Just edit these Keys for each slot: (this is just an example and "\MyIcons\" is just a directory of any 64x64x300DPI .PNG files to use as icons)
DispName = "Camera"
IconPath = "\MyIcons\Camera.png"
Path = "\Windows\Camera.exe"
For the settings Icon, you explicitly do this:
Command = "--switchtopage Manila://settings.page"
DispName = "Settings"
IconPath = "\MyIcons\Settings.png"
Path = "\Windows\manila.exe"
thats it!
See my "new batch of icons" post here if you want to try replacing Program Tab icons: