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Old 10-27-2009, 01:40 PM
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Re: WM 6.5 Custom Taskbar

Originally Posted by 1nf3rn0 View Post
I think I should have been more specific. The build of WM 6.5.1 I'm using has all icons in the upper right portion of the screen. When I don't use a custom taskbar, and use the default icons instead, all icons show. However, as soon as I apply a custom taskbar, I lose the X & OK icons. They are replaced with a white circle, which I believe denotes the absence of an icon. Also, I cooked a WM 6.5 version with the same kitchen and experienced the same behavior. I don't believe this is a WM 6.5.1 specific problem. If anyone can help, please do, because I am at wits end here!! Thanks!!
Some of the icons are different for WM 6.5.1 so it will have to be edited to work right on this. I am going to download the stock dlls I hope this weekend and take a look to better assist on this. From what I have read though it will require editing the dlls to look right with the new WM 6.5.1
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