Originally Posted by SOHKis
nope that's it, unpack & drop the 23502 folder into your SYS folder; add the 23501 folder inside the ROM folder to your ROM > shared folder, and copy one of your original ROM > diamond folders & rename to 23501, cook & enjoi!
*TP users should be able to use it, however i have recmodded all the modules for us DIAMc users to have 0 modules in slot 0.
if you want the complete/untouched dump w/XIP you can find it here -
Thanks Tom_C!
Ok got that done but I have a couple questions. Why is it 23502 in the SYS folder but 23501 in the OEM? Will that matter? Also whats the new dialer and stuff from Calk's 4.2 test rom that everyone is talking about? I want to add it to mine but I dont want to have to flash to his test rom to see what it is.